Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sitting in Morgan's room, it's beginning to dawn on me that the new year is arriving. We leave behind all that we've accomplshed in 2009 and bring it to 2010. Sometimes, I don't feel like moving ahead because of the struggles that I know are coming. But you know...what do ya do? This is probably the only time I get to hear fireworks on streets. And I don't drink, so I can remember this night. Although there was something in the ice cream we ate :-) I hate to see the passing of the winter seasons because it mean that we'll be having more humidity and cloudy skies. I really wanted to see the sun more often here. "Sunshine state" my ass. I wish I could be bunndled up like this forever.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I wish I could hold on to this cold and blue skies forever. It's hard to enjoy it when you know it's not gonna last. Maybe for a couple days or so. But anyway, I found the perfect color to paint my room and it's coming along quite nicely. While cleaning out some dusty folders, I found some hidden treasures from middle school and younger. Pictures...notes...journals. I have to say, I was completely self-absorbed and materialistic back then. Always about someone else or gossip like that. Not to say that I've changed at all...maybe just a bit more in focus of the more important things.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

PRIME PRIME PRIME! Is that all anyone ever thinks about? Prime numbers, prime ribs, prime what-ever! Prime seems so perfect. So hard to get to. Evens are where it's at. It's simple, elegant, and lovely.
"Do you like scary movies?"

Why yes. Yes I do.

Monday, December 21, 2009

I keep remembering that one time in middle school our "group" went to go see Across the Universe. I can't remember the exact seating chart, but it was Me, Rozzelle, Gretchen, Crystal, Dawson, Cody, Desiree, Ally, Robert, Nikita....maybe eric? Gosh. Sorry If i excluded anyone, but wow. What a day that was. And probably one of the best.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Today I decided to watch one of my favorite old cartoons, Code Lyoko. Although the lines are cheesy, the plot line is a little shabby, and since it's french, the characters words doesn't match up with their lips, it's still fun to watch.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Hoping to find an answer, I look to my past. I can't help but keep this protective shield over my-self. It keeps the emotion in and the good feelings out. So pretty much, I'm just a huge mess. And apparently, I'm a bad influence.

Dear hd t.v

Your not leading anyone one. He just doesn't get it. Just remember the date. Remember the date.